Insect Legs and Its Modifications
INSECT LEG AND ITS MODIFICATIONS Insects posses three pairs of legs, each in all the three thoracic segments. Insect legs are sub-divided into five basic segments known as Coxa, Trochanter, Femur, Tibia and Tarsus . v Coxa : Functional basal segment, attached with thoracic pluerites. v Trochanter : Small in size, being articulated to the coxa and forms immovable attachment with femur. v Femur : The largest and strongest segment. v Tibia : Long slender segment having one or more spurs at its distal end v Tarsus : Distal segment attached to the tibia and is subdivided into sub-segments called Tarsomeres. The basal tarsomere, often longer than others is named as the basitarsus . The last tarsomere is called pretarsus . And it has a pair of lateral cla...